TOWN ADVISORY BOARDS – I was pleased to attend our year-end appreciation party for Town volunteers. At the event, I mentioned that we had recently surveyed all of our 30 advisory board members. The result was 10 pages of concise and insightful feedback, which showed me that these people who have been attending planning meetings, and making decisions on behalf of our town, truly have their thumb on the 'pulse' of Nederland.
So, we've begun a new year, and we have some advisory board openings, which provide an opportunity for new people to become involved. Here are some opportunities:
PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) – The Planning Commission reviews developments and land use codes. The members of our Planning Commission are some of the most respected members of our community. This past year, the Town hired a consulting firm who has been working with the PC to update the Town's Comprehensive Plan. The 'Comp Plan' directs development activities for the next several years.
SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY BOARD (SAB) – The SAB advises the Board of Trustees on issues of sustainability, conservation, and renewable energy in Town facilities and operations. They also advise the BOT on the sustainability of projects, using a sustainability scorecard, to meet the needs of the Nederland Planning Process (NPP).
PARKS, RECREATION, & OPEN SPACE ADVISORY BOARD (PROSAB) – PROSAB is completing the “Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan” which is a sub-set of the 'Comp Plan'. PROSAB then uses this plan to guide its implementation. PROSAB also advises the Board of Trustees on projects, and has sub-committees that address topics like Forest Health, or programs like Saws & Slaws and Adopt-A-Park.
MAYOR'S TASK FORCES – In addition to our formal Advisory Boards, the Mayor may also convene a task force to address a singular issue. We have recently created two Mayor's Task Forces that will study some important topics this year.
MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES – This task force focuses on investigating current services and resources available for seniors and low-income families in the Nederland Community and making recommendations for extending additional services and resources. Furthermore, Housing and Human Services is the final goal yet to be addressed from the 2010 Peak to Peak Healthy Communities Summit developed in 2003.
MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – This task force has been re-instituted to examine ways to promote and sustain our local economy in keeping with the ideals of Envision 2020.
This year is shaping up to be an exciting time for Nederland Advisory Boards, so if you have interest in these openings, please refer to the bottom of the 'Town Boards' web page for more information.
[Here is a Video Valediction] Just for fun, local Nederland Artist and performer, Heather Taylor in Let's Art by Matt Backer [What is a Video Valediction?]:
[Here is a Video Valediction] Just for fun, local Nederland Artist and performer, Heather Taylor in Let's Art by Matt Backer [What is a Video Valediction?]: